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  • What is tarot?
    While a more robust and holistic answer could fill volumes, I’d like to share what tarot has brought to my life and how I hope to use this tool for others. Tarot is a modality of communication that may include focal points for meditation, guidance for approaching situations, or perspectives yet to be considered. The messages and information that come through the images, colors, planetary and zodiacal influences, numerology, and elemental impacts allow me to form a bigger picture and weave the story between the cards. It’s a beautiful, insightful, magickal, transformative method for pushing the ego aside and allowing communication to flow freely.
  • Why should I get a reading / What will I get out of a reading?
    Personally, I’m always refreshed and rejuvenated after a reading. Maybe I’ve always been lucky to find such stellar diviners, but I feel like my mind has been cleansed and my heart has been opened. I always walk away feeling as though I’ve been given a dose of clarity and a boost of motivation. I often get asked “but what if I get the Death card in a reading?” … well, what if you do? Let’s discuss it. Let’s sit and chat about why this archetype is gracing your pull and what lessons we can learn. Readings allow for shifts in perspective and focus; for clarity and guidance; and for a kick in the pants if that’s what you’re in need of.
  • How does Shawna/Notitia differ from other readers?
    Way back when, I was studying for and pursuing my doctorate in Psychology with a focus on Developmental Psychology and Art Therapy. I love learning about and observing human behavior and the motivations behind what we do. Even more, I love discussing with others their motivations and behaviors. I was asked by a dear friend why I wasn’t a counselor and being a shamanic practitioner provides a similar opportunity without the ‘traditional’ collegiate avenue and requirements- the structure of which I vehemently disagree with. I use divination and energetic connection to help myself and others gain better understanding of our motivations and how we can embody the behaviors of our highest selves. So, in a sense, a reading with me allows you the freedom to express yourself and open the lines of communication as you might with a mental health professional while incorporating aspects to heal and love one’s self... or as my cousin refers to me: The Tarotpist.
  • What is a shamanic journey?
    Shamanic journeying is a form of trance work, or altered state of consciousness, that allows us access to information, messages, images, and knowledge that are not readily available in our usual, everyday consciousness. Journeying is also used to complete energetic work and form connections. In my public offerings, I mainly use shamanic journeying as a form of divination to gain knowledge, insight, and guidance. I commune with Guides, Deities, and forms of energy through various dimensions of the shamanic landscape to glean messages in a manner similar to intuitive tarot. As a visual person, my shamanic journeys are vibrant, powerful visions that provide digestible information, images, and symbolism.

© 2018-2023 Shawna Weiman  |  Notitia LLC

Mythical Goddess Tarot Deck images are © Copyright Katherine Skaggs |

Prisma Visions Tarot Deck images are © Copyright Prisma Visions Tarot

Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck images are © Copyright U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

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